Previous Trainings

2022 Construction Project Management Basics for Local Officials Webinar - Dec

There are four main stages of a transportation construction project: planning, design, construction, and maintenance. This online class will explain the stakeholder duties and expectations at each project stage.
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Training hours

2022 Materials Acceptance Process Virtual Seminar - Dec

This seminar is intended for any owner agency or their authorized representatives who are responsible for either the quality control, quality assurance, or the corresponding acceptance of any construction material item on MDOT Let contracts.
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Training hours

2022 MERL Bid Utility Webinar - Dec

Topics include:
- Creating bid projects
- Entering bids
- Electronic bid submission
- Bid reporting and analysis
- Managing vendors
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Training hours

2022 Managing Your Wastewater System into the Future Virtual Workshop (WI)

To improve sustainability, wastewater systems can engage in strategic planning to improve financial, technical, and managerial capacity. You will learn how to assess the capacity and performance of your utility and how to create a strategic plan.
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Training hours

2022 MERL Project Estimator Webinar - Nov 10

Topics include:
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
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Training hours

2022 Roadsoft Pavement Management Topics Weekly Mini-Series Webinars

Join us for an in-depth look at utilizing the Roadsoft Strategy & Optimization and Project Planning & Selection tools to manage your road work network during this weekly 5-part webinar mini-series.
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Training hours

2022 MERL Project Estimator Webinar - Nov 8

Topics include:
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
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Training hours

2022 Meeting the TAMC Investment Reporting Requirements - Nov

Learn how to:
- Enter road/bridge project data
- Translate Roadsoft treatments to IRT project classifications
- Export TAMC project reporting files for the IRT
- Upload files to the IRT
- Complete the TAMC reporting requirements
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Training hours

2022 Financial Management for Small Water Systems - Marquette

In this class, attendees will learn how to apply financial management principles to improve the capacity and sustainability of their drinking water utility.
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Training hours

2022 Roadsoft Special Topics: SQL Database Management

Learn how to install Roadsoft-provided SQL Express. From there - learn how to create a new database, move or share a database, update SQL Express, and how to use multiple databases.
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Training hours