Asset Management Resources

Asset Management Plan Templates

These templates are flattened Microsoft Word documents that can be simply edited in Word to create a personalized compliance plan or asset management plan. 

Asset Management Plan Tools

The tools are zipped folders consisting of interactive Word documents, macro-enabled Microsoft Excel workbooks, and/or comma-separate-value files that can be used in conjunction with data outputs from Roadsoft and MiBRIDGE (supplied by user) or with manual data entry (by user) into a .csv file to produce a final, flattened Word document. Tools were last updated in 2024.

IMPORTANT: If your computer system is running with Sharepoint, you will need to copy the tools to a USB drive and run the tools off of the USB drive.

Data gathering instructions: The MiBridge application has been updated, and you are now able to login and generate the report that is used for the bridge asset management plan tools.

Login to MiBridge, and navigate to the Network Summary Report in the drop down list under reports. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Export Asset Management Report (if you do not see this option, please email for assistance).

Your export will be a .jsp file. The 2022 (and following) bridge asset management tools work with either .jsp or .csv files.

If you need a .csv copy of your export file: Open Excel and select the File menu, Open from the file menu, and Browse... from the displayed options. In the Open window, navigate to the folder where you saved your .jsp export file (your .jsp file will not be visible) and then select All Files (*.*) from the file type dropdown menu (lower right corner of the Open window; now, your .jsp file will be visible); then, select Open. Once the .jsp file opens in Excel, select the File menu, Save As from the file menu, and Browse... from the displayed options. In the Save As window, navigate to your desired save location and select CSV (Comma delineated) (*.csv) from the file type dropdown menu (lower right corner of the Save As window); then, select Save.

​Did you produce your asset management plans before the 2021 tools became available? Download the errata for the areas to spot check.

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